Mybonts is the latest and greatest way to customize your Bont shoes. We have been creating custom designs since 1975. Match your team colors, add your name, go wild!
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If you want the best speed skating boot that money can buy, look no further than the Vaypor.
Tested by the world's best skaters and designed by Mr. Inze Bont.
This model features:
- Durolite outer skin and liner
- Double stitching
- Slimline micro adjustable buckle
- Increased ventilation
- Matte dry carbon base
- Anti stretch internal material
- Anatomical last shape
- Memory foam padding
- 100% carbon base with uni-directional carbon
- Epoxy resin
- Hand made 1 piece all carbon construction
- Heat moldable tongue
- Velcro tongue holder
- TPU toe protector
- Waxed laces
- Lace cover
We push the limits of technology to help you perform at your best.